Monday, March 31, 2008

Visiting Abelina

At this point, due to the fact Abelina is on isolation, for a minor bacterial infection. As well as being exhausted they are asking people not to bring their children to the hospital. On top of that they have restricted visiting hours between 4-7! If you have another time in mind cal California Pacific Medical Center on Castro and speak to her nurse.



Meredith Hansen said...

you are a hard women to track down. Always on the go. I had lots of fun in Mexico. Next time you are the tour guide. I can't belive that the crazy driving I encountered. I miss you much. Wish you could be my patient every night I work.

Meredith Hansen
Love you

Meredith Hansen said...

I am sorry to hear about Abelina's last encoutner with her nurses. But Abelina can tell this world as unjust as it is that there are good people and there are good nurses. I was her nurse at UC Davis and she was a wonderful patient, and a good friend. She impacted every fiber of me the moment we met. Anyone is foolish if they can't take the time to look into her eyes and learn about her. They loose. ~Mer

Anonymous said...

Abelina & Diana,

So sorry to hear it has been tough at the new hospital, glad to hear things are turning around.

You both have been blessed with each other and are true friends for life, like sisters.

To our girlfriends, sisters and other empowering women who have touched our lives!

Diana, you rock!


maganafamily said...


I know there are so many good nurses out there and thank you for looking in her eyes! It was just a bad day! Thanks for writing in on the blog.
