Sunday, March 30, 2008


We just arrived home after being in San Francisco nine days straight! We were able to see Abelina everyday, as well as the wave of emotions she encounters. Most days she was very up beat and positive. Although, after her short stint in the Critical Care the Unit, she was taxed. Her blood pressure dipped to dangerously low levels as well as being dehydrated. I felt this was unacceptable and made certain to express my dissatisfaction,, numerous times until I was heard. Now, Abelina receives her 2 liters of fluid a day from a nurse as well as having her blood pressure checked more frequently. Just as she started to regain her strength, a very forceful, deep throated, European nurse raised her voice to Angel. This was very upsetting to Abelina! At the time she did not have her pacimer valve in (for her trachea) so she could not speak, but everyone in the room could read her lips! Then she began to cry and continued to cry for most of the day. As we tried to resolve this unnecessary event. After going to that days, charge nurse a series of events happened. First we got Christina (the not so delightful nurse) to renter Abelina's room per her request. Abelina then told her," you can do anything to me, but don't ever hurt my kids"! She then asked the nurse to apologize, she said, "I have apologized to you Abelina, I will not apologize to your son." Nurse Christina then stormed out of room 351! At this point I had enough... If any of you know me very well, when I have had enough watch out ( I am like Abelina in this respect). Although, Abelina can give a verbal bashing like none other. So, I stormed into the nurses station, meeting Christina eye to eye. I then spoke at her in a very loud and stern tone, not carrying who was around me. I said something to the effect of, "do you have any idea of what this boy has been through? He watched his father shoot his mother, there were 15 entry and exit wounds! Are you aware of the story? " She replied, "I am very aware of the story!" : I replied then why don't you get off your pedestal and go apologize to that boy?" Again she refused. I then, in even a louder voice exclaimed, "then you are in the wrong business lady." I looked up and was faced with, every Doctor and nurse in this 100'x 100' foot space, frozen in their tracks. It almost seemed as if they were ready to clap, but due to their political correctness held back. I then made my way back to Abelina's room were I was told bye our mutual friend Wendy, she could hear me, not every word, but I guess my voice carried. You see I like Abelina stand up for my loved ones. When I saw her suffering over an insensitive, self righteous less of a human being, I was pissed! Needless to say, the not so gentle nurse Ratchet, will not be lucky enough to assist our Wonder Woman, Abelina! The next day, we were greeted by an ever jovial Abelina.

Now that have ranted an raved, I will let you in on her improvements. She has been able to swipe a wash rag over her face, with some gentle assistance. As, well as use a fork that is bent in such away that it resembles a Caterpillar. Her Hard collar came off at the beginning of last week, it was then replaced with a soft collar, like you might get at the chiropractor. Except, they made a makeshift hole in the center for her Trachea! Speaking of her Trachea the ENT also came in last week and did another excruciatingly test. Were they actually stick a tube through her nose all the way back down through her throat. Unfortunately this was the same day we encountered nurse Ratchet. As a result of the test, as well as her ability to cough up her fluids. Abelina, could have her trachea. sewn up any day!


p.s. I believe it was Gary that offered to edit the blog. I accidentally erased your message, so please call me back. I would love your assistance.


Laura Church said...

We're still praying for you, Abelina! Sorry to hear you've had a rough week, but it's very exciting that your trachea will be closed up soon, and that you can use a fork and washrag. Keep your chin up, and remember we are all rooting for you!
Love, Laura, Jeff, Stephen and Meredith Church

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana
Abelina is lucky to have you and her family to watch over her. Fortunately most nurses are compassionate and caring but once in a while you run into a bad one as that awful nurse you were speaking of and it is so hard for the poor patients who are at their mercy. Good for you that you stood her for them.
Best of luck to all
The Corner family

maganafamily said...

Thanks Laura! I should have mentioned, for every thirty fantastic nurses there might be one not so desirable nurse.


Unknown said...

Hi Diana,
After being out of town last week I just slowed down enough to read the blog. Ok, so I'm totally crying now- Angel! Our sweet precocious one-of-a-kind with absolutely the most gorgeous expressive large brown eyes you'll ever see Angel! And those eyes have seen things no 10 year old child should see. He needs only love, patience and kindness- and you are there giving it to him every day. Thank you for continuing to share the ups and downs... you never know when your stories might help someone else along the way.
On a high note, that photo of Claudia kissing her mom says it all... such tender sweet love!!!