Saturday, August 2, 2008

phonix (claudia speaking)

Hi it's Claudia again, it has been a while since i have written on the blog because it is always really busy down here. Anyways i have a little free time on my hand so i guess i can tell you whats been going on with us down in Phoenix.
my mom has been improving a ton, she even started to move her fingers! and she is almost back to her regular weight. so in what I'm observing things are going pretty well.
but for us three kids (abraham, me, and angel) are going to be starting school on agust 11th, so that means we are going to start making some friends and going to start getting homework.
well thats pretty much all f0r now and i will keep blogging


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks Claudia for writing... I'm glad you guys are doing great! =)


Megan =D

Betty and Wayne Lenherr said...

Hi Claudia, I am so glad that all of you are doing good.That sounds great that your Mom is doing so well.Not a day goes by that we don't think about all of you.Please tell your Mom that Wayne and Betty Lenherr said Hi and that we are thinking of her.She was always so kind to us.
Betty and Wayne Lenherr

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the update on your family. I come to view your family blog almost every day to see if you have posted. Thank you for keeping us all informed on how well you are all doing. Your mother is amazing…along with you and your brothers. God bless you and please keep us up dated more often. An agent from the Tiburon office of FHA.

Laura Church said...

Hi, Claudia! I was so excited to see you had sent us an update. We still pray for Abelina, and it's wonderful to hear she's still improving. We have also prayed that the new school year and all the adjustments for you and your brothers will be easy. Lots of love to you-
Love, Laura Church

Unknown said...

Hi Claudia,
It was so great to hear from you! I'm so happy that your mom continues to improve, although that is something I never questioned! So how is school going? Donovan and Gillian go back this Wednesday and I think they are ready. I hope you are meeting new friends and getting used to your new life in Phoenix. Have you been watching the gymnastics on the Olympics? I have and I think of you often- I hope you are able to do gymnastics there too. Ok, soon I'll send a letter with some pics. Give a big hug and kiss to Angel and Abraham and your mom for us!
Love Aileen

Tanya said...

Hi Claudia. It's me Carissa. Remember you came to our house in Santa Rosa for a photo shoot? I already started school. I'm in 6th grade math even though I'm a 4th grader!!!!!!!!!! Let us know how you are doing.
Love Carissa and the White family

Girl Power said...

Hi Claudia. I am glad your family is doing well. Please let your mom know that she is still in our thoughts and prayers as are all of you.

Also tell Angel that Angelica says "Hi" and hopes that he likes his new school.

Kim St. Hilaire
Emma & Angelica

Girl Power said...

Hi Claudia. I am glad your family is doing well. Please let your mom know that she is still in our thoughts and prayers as are all of you.

Also tell Angel that Angelica says "Hi" and hopes that he likes his new school.

Kim St. Hilaire
Emma & Angelica

Laura Church said...

Claudia, we were proud to see the ad with your beautiful mother's picture in the paper today because she got the "Citizen of the Year" award- and she deserves it! Post an update soon about how she's doing so we can keep up, and let her know we still pray for her.
Love, Laura Church

Anonymous said...


It was so wonderful to read your update! We think about all of you and can't wait to see you! Where in Phoenix are you? If you remember, we live here too now. Sara, Mark and Christina would love to see you guys again. Please give your Mom a big hug and kiss and call us soon . . . we all live SO close again!! Love, Mrs. Siadat

Anonymous said...

OOOps! I forgot to leave our number: 480-659-2404 Please call soon . . .

Anonymous said...

Dear Claudia, I am so proud of your oh so grown up handling of this tragic event-and I am so sorry you and your family have had to endure this in the first place. What a fortunate thing that you mother is still with us. I wish to be able to help you and your family one day. In the mean time, because of my own experience, I've become an activist. Things like this don't happen in a vacuum-and some day I hope they won't happen at all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia!
It's been a long time since an update and we'd all like to hear how you and your brothers are doing and how you mom is!
Please post an update soon!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Claudia! We're thankful that you're settled in your new home, and that Abelina's made such wonderful progress. Please give us an update soon!
Love, Laura, Jeff, Stephen and Meredith Church